Bentley LumenRT for NVIDIA Omniverse Help

Edit Menu

The edit menu contains useful editing tools like cut, copy and paste along with a selection of more advanced capabilities.

Undo Reverts your changes, newest to oldest
Redo Reverts your most recent change
Instance Creates a memory/performance friendly copy of an asset at the cost of asset flexibility
Duplicate Make a copy of the referenced asset, without layer changes, to current selected layer
Duplicate All Layers Make a copy of the referenced asset, with all layer changes, to their own layer
Duplicate Collapsed Combine changes from all layers, disconnect the reference relationship and make a new object on current selected layer
Parent Creates an X form and nests selected assets under the X Form
Unparent Removes nesting of selected asset
Group Selected Puts all selected assets into a group container
Delete Delete the entity that is currently selected in the stage
Hide Unselected Hides all assets that are not selected
Un-hide All Hides all assets that are not selected
Focus Positions the viewport, centered on the selected mesh
Toggle Visualization Mode Toggles between standard visualization mode and de-clutter visualization mode
Capture Screenshot Takes a screen capture